Our Mission〜私たちの使命〜

そこに向けて リーダーシップの意識と実践を
リーダーシップ サークルは存在している

Our Story〜私たちの物語〜



Universal Model of Leadership™ +

Universal Model of Leadership™は、リーダーシップ・サークルすべてのアセスメントの根幹となっています。リーダーシップの普遍的モデルは、リーダーシップ・ディベロップメントに関する最高の理論と研究を統合したものです。その背景にある科学は、リーダーがなぜそのような行動をとるのか、どのように変容が可能なのかを明らかにしています。リーダーが変容すれば、組織も変容します。優れたリーダーシップは、より良いビジネスの成果をもたらし、組織や個々のリーダーの人生に目に見える影響をもたらします。



リーダーシップ チーム

Bill Adams

Chief Executive Officer | Co-Founder

Bob Anderson

Chief Knowledge Officer | Co-Founder

Betsy Leatherman

Global President of Consulting Services

Adelle Richards

Managing Director of APAC – Product Certification and Community





チーフ・エグゼクティブ・オフィサー | 共同創設者

ビルは人を愛してやまず、人間関係、リーダーシップ、ビジネスに情熱を注いでいる。彼は複数の新規ビジネスを立ち上げ、所有し、売却してきたシリアル・アントレプレナー(連続起業家)でもある。一流のリーダーシップ・コンサルティング会社であるリーダーシップ・サークルの創設者兼CEOであるビルは、フォーチュン500に名を連ねる大企業のCEO、非営利団体、未公開株式のスタートアップ企業など、30年にわたる経験をクライアントに提供している。また、ビルは近年、『Mastering Leadership, An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results(未邦訳:リーダーシップを極める:ブレイクスルーをもたらすパフォーマンスと卓越したビジネス成果のための統合型フレームワーク)』および『Scaling Leadership, Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most(邦訳:成長する組織とリーダーのつくり方: データで解明された持続的成果を生み出す法則)』を共著で出版した。信頼できるアドバイザー、教師、コンサルタント、コーチとして、CEOやトップチームとともにリーダーシップの約束を果たしている。



チーフ・ナレッジ・オフィサー | 共同創設者

ボブは、リーダーシップと人としてのマスタリー、そして能力と意識の接点を探求することにそのキャリアを捧げてきた。統合的かつ革新的なリーダーシップアセスメンツールであるリーダーシップ・サークル・プロファイルの開発者であり、著者でもあるボブは、リーダーシップ開発と研究の分野における真のパイオニアである。リーダーシップ・サークル創設者の一人であるボブは、この2つの会社がリーダーに提供しているツールやサービスから派生したパワフルな活動を継承するため、世界中の実践者の育成に専門知識や技術を提供している。さらに、ボブは近年、『Mastering Leadership, An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results』(未邦訳:リーダーシップを極める:ブレイクスルーをもたらすパフォーマンスと卓越したビジネス成果のための統合型フレームワーク)と『Scaling Leadership, Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most』(邦訳:成長する組織とリーダーのつくり方: データで解明された持続的成果を生み出す法則)を共著で出版した。






Cindy Adams

Global President and Chief Learning Officer – Cornerstone

Cynthia Adams is Global President of Cornerstone.  She leads our global leadership teams initiatives focused on transformational change, systems perspective, and alignment.  Particularly important to her is advancing leadership Creative capacity and expression, organizational scale, and ensuring the capability to fulfill upon purpose and vision for evolving conscious leadership worldwide. Cindy combines a deep understanding of leadership development, whole systems change, adult development, and business process performance to guide outcomes that matter, engagement, adaptive capacity, and fulfillment. As a fellow traveler on the leader’s path, both personally and professionally, she is intimately familiar with the challenges that leaders face throughout their careers and the adaptive challenge inherent in meeting today’s turbulent conditions. As a founding partner and leader, Cindy has worked with leaders from a wide array of businesses and industries.








アーロンド・セクー・クライトンはリーダーシップ・サークルのチーフ・ダイバーシティ・オフィサー(CDO)。CDOとして、JEDI-B(Justice 公正性, Equity 公平性, Diversity 多様性, Inclusion 包括性, Belonging 帰属意識)への戦略的アプローチを策定し、JEDI-B活動の実践者コミュニティを支援している。さらにアーロンドは、JEDI-Bの組織内においても自己啓発を継続的に行っている。また、世界中のクライアントのアカウントリードとして、クライアントへのサービス提供が、当社に対する業界の高い期待に応えるものであることを保証できるよう務めている。これらの責務に加え、アーロンドはコンサルタント、エグゼクティブ・コーチ、ファシリテーターとして直接クライアントにサービスを提供し続けている。



CMO | ヘッド・オブ・ストラテジー




















バイス・プレジデント、クライアント パートナー

トレーシーは過去25年間、共感、謙虚さ、真正性、相互尊重の原則を基盤とした、卓越した包括的リーダーシップの民主化という考えに取り組み、個人として、またプロフェッショナルとしての旅を続けてきた。 キャリアの初期には、ライトマネジメントコンサルタンツの副社長として、公共、民間、非営利セクターのグローバルクライアントを成功裏にマネージメントし、キャリアコンサルティング、再就職支援、エグゼクティブコーチング、アセスメントサービスを、個人と組織の両方に対するリーダーシップ開発イニシアチブに焦点を当てて提供していた。 この経験は、スキルソフトでカスタムeラーニング・デザイン・ソリューション・アーキテクト・アンド・コンサルタントとして、公共セクターのクライアントを戦略的にサポートし、継続的な成功を収めるために大いに役立った。その後、センター・フォー・クリエイティブ・リーダーシップ (CCL)で12年以上にわたってガバメント・ソリューション部門を率い、リーダーシップ開発プログラムのカスタマイズ、エグゼクティブコーチング、個人や組織のアセスメントサービス、チームの効果性エンゲージメントなどの開発に情熱を注いできた。 CCLでは、民間、軍事、情報機関など公共セクターのクライアントをマネージメントするだけでなく、世界最大の防衛関連企業のリーダーシップ開発イニシアチブもマネージメントし、民間と公共セクターの両方のクライアントに対して最も革新的なベストプラクティスを引き出すよう、サービスを提供してきた。トレーシーは、リーダーシップ・サークルの名誉あるプロフェッショナルの仲間入りをすることで、この組織の使命、つまり、この世界で本来は私たちは一つであり、社会の意識を進化するために、リーダーが潜在能力を最大に発揮できるようにするためのツールを提供するという深いコミットメントを理解し、大切にしている。

トレイシーはバージニア大学で英語とフランス語の学士号を取得。 その後、メリーランド大学で国際経営と金融の修士号とグローバル・ビジネスのMBAを取得。トレイシーはホレイショ・アソシエーションの同窓生であり、全米の大学進学を目指す恵まれない若者たちを指導している。 また、マイクロソフト、KPMG、クリントン・グローバル・イニシアチブが後援するメンターシップ・プログラム、 グローバル・ギブ・バック・サークルのメンターでもあり、ケニアの少女たちをエンパワーすることを目的に活動している。さらに、ソー・アザーズ・マイト・イート (SOME)、マーサズ・テーブル、ドレス・フォー・サクセス、ワシントン・インターフェイス・ネットワークなど、ワシントンDC地域コミュニティの恵まれない人々のための様々な社会奉仕プログラムに子供たちとともに定期的に参加している。

トレイシーは3人の素晴らしい子供たち、タチアナ(28歳)、トリスタン(20歳)、TJ(17歳)、継娘スカイラ(10歳)の自慢の母親であり、子どもたちはまさに目に入れても痛くない大切な存在である。 さらに、若い女子たちの指導に情熱を傾けるかたわら、トレーシーはフィットネス・インストラクターであり、熱烈なスポーツファン、そして熱心な読書家でもある。 余暇には、夫とワシントンDC周辺のトレイルでハイキングをしたり、NYジャイアンツを応援したり、家族で世界中の美しいビーチに旅行することを好む。



バイス・プレジデント、クライアント パートナー

David brings a wealth of experience to helping clients implement world-class leadership development and coaching strategies. He is passionate about deploying creative and lasting approaches to leadership development that drive both behavioral and business results.

Before joining Leadership Circle, David was with Bluepoint Leadership Development and the Tom Peters Company. He has 25 years of experience in leadership development and ten years of management experience in the United Kingdom with Marks and Spencer, FFI, and Omnicom. He studied business at the University of Northumbria and has a postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies (DMS) from Teesside University Business School. He completed Seth Godin’s alt MBA program in 2020 and Accelerating Coaching Excellence (ACE) with Coaching.com in 2022.

David resides with his wife and two children in Mill Valley, CA. Outside of work, you’ll likely find him riding a bike, swimming in the bay, or enjoying the beautiful trails in Marin.



VP マーケティング

Andrew has built his career and his life in creativity. He holds bachelor’s degrees from BYU in Music and Computing and Information Systems along with an MBA from the University of Utah. He is an accomplished marketing leader, strategist, and digital marketing thought leader with over 25 years of experience. He has created wildly successful campaigns for the largest brands in the world, including The Walt Disney Company, Apple Computers, Target Stores, and Ann Taylor Fashion. He is also an accomplished writer with work published in the NY Times and Harvard Business Review. Andrew is an adjunct professor of Marketing at Ensign College and has created several courses for the college. He frequently writes about and speaks on digital marketing and is a 2x Adobe Revvie Award winner for his co-leadership of the Marketo User Group in Salt Lake City.

In his spare time, Andrew and his wife sing with the internationally renowned Salt Lake Vocal Artists. They also are raising four amazing kids, and on occasion, Andrew likes to read, watch Star Trek and play video games.


VP オブ・グローバル・コミュニティ

Mike O’Connor is in the business of change. He brings more than 25 years of experience in supporting client organizations and has been a trusted advisor to dynamic leaders who are committed to making a difference. Mike activates leaders to create effective, impactful, and powerful business and leadership results. He is committed to and passionate about helping people realize and maximize their full potential. Throughout his career, Mike has held numerous roles, including: Training and Development Manager, Executive Coach, Instructional Designer, Team Facilitator, and Consultant and Business Development Manager. He also has more than 20 years of experience as a Senior Consultant for Development Dimensions International (DDI). At The Leadership Circle, Mike has worked with mid to senior leaders as an executive coach and developer for companies to include Leadership Circle Certification, and has been involved in the certification of more than 1000 LCP certified coaches.




Robert Mims is a revered technologist. His academic foundation is rooted in Technology and business having achieved a Master of Business Administration in Information Technology Management and a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with emphasis in Software and Database Development. In the realm of innovation, Robert co-invented patented process and technology in the domain of security, notably for the administration and protection of data accessible by mobile devices. However, what truly sets Robert apart is the profound impact he has on those who collaborate with him. Colleagues credit him as an individual of unparalleled standards in both his technical prowess and his interpersonal interactions. Patient, empathetic, and fiercely passionate, Robert leads by example, always willing to roll up his sleeves and dive into challenges. His mentorship is cherished, and his leadership style, which is rooted in merit and kindness, inspires others to follow.



Liberto is a visionary leader and a passionate coach and facilitator.  He engages with dedication and commitment in transformational and change processes of all kinds – personal, teams, organizations, systems, and communities. With a strong focus on leadership development, he works to unfold leader’s full potential. 

Liberto loves people, and to help them dream and create the future they want. He moves with ease into and through complexity with an awareness and sensitivity to what is needed in the moment, swiftly ensuring the proper, and necessary, conversations happen.  Liberto creates an atmosphere of honesty and safety, allowing people, groups and organizations to grow and evolve themselves, especially in challenging times. He creates powerful change contexts, based on trust, freedom and responsibility, bringing equilibrium to both individuals and groups.



マネージング・ディレクター・オブ・ヨーロッパ& LATAM

Carolina is a Leadership Development Consultant and a Master Certified Coach, committed to the evolution, transformation and effectiveness of leadership, especially in Latin America, the region she is passionate for. With more than 4.400 hours of coaching, she has had 25 years of extensive experience with executives and organizations, multinationals and middle-size companies. 

She had worked with Leadership Circle as a mentor and coach to our client practitioners, to ensure they gain mastery in using the tools of the Leadership Circle in their execution of leadership development and team facilitation within our client organizations. In Latin America, Carolina has worked with leaders of companies such as: SONY, United Nations, Coca-Cola, 3M, IBM, Tetrapak, Citibank, BBVA, BNP Paribas, Roche, Colitalia, BMI, Terpel, Scherdel, Nexe, Hocol, Henkel, among others. 

Carolina has ALSO been a member of Leadership Circle Faculty in Latin America as a pioneer and facilitator of the certification program, and mentor of the community of consultants of Leadership Circle in the region.



マネージング・ディレクター・オブ・APAC – プロダクト・サーティフィケーション・アンド・コミュニティ

Since the first Certification in Sydney in July 2008, it has been Adelle’s delight to have played a pivotal role in bringing The Leadership Circle and Full Circle Group to the Asia Pacific region. Adelle’s strength is in being able to move from strategy into action. Another strength is to know and understand the macro and micro operational systems in order to achieve operational excellence. What she finds deeply motivating is connecting to and being in service of the ever-growing global TLC Community of Certified Practitioners, their clients, and the FCG client base.


マネージング・ディレクター・オブ・APAC – コンサルティング・アンド・コーチング

Mark is a trusted C-level coach and mentor to executive teams. He is renowned for his ability to facilitate breakthroughs in team dialogue and dynamics and personal insights that support growth. He brings human-centered curiosity about the strategic challenges being faced, a focus on the systemic opportunity to cultivate renewal and growth, and a deep understanding of generative dialogue practices. 

He is Vice President Consulting at the Leadership Circle/Full Circle Group Asia Pacific, where he leads a team of experts in top team performance and leadership coaching. He’s also co-founder of Larapinta Connect which is a round table for business leaders that combines the exploration of purpose, meaning, and legacy with the goal of building stronger connections between business and indigenous Australia.




Paul excels at working with organizations in high-growth entrepreneurial environments, as well as large global companies seeking to foster cultures of innovation and operational agility. Having run businesses in the US, Europe, and Asia, Paul brings a global context and on-the-ground experience leading multinational teams. As a leadership consultant, Paul has coached executive teams at organizations such as: Microsoft, Rolls Royce, RWE AG, Booz&Co, Motorolla, Cisco, IBM, Accenture, Heineken, nPower, Gartner, Cargill, and Huawei. He blends a systemic approach to organizational change with a unique ability to engage senior leaders in deeply transformational conversations.




Executives who work with David find themselves leading more effectively. They gain a business advantage by better applying time, energy, and organizational resources. David helps leaders build on their natural strengths, overcome situational barriers, accelerate their development, and lead through complexity. He’s particularly experienced with challenging business transformations – the kind that require leaders and organizations to adapt.




Steve combines a profound curiosity about life with a deep belief in the inherent potential of people. With an integrated approach to long term development he specializes in helping executives and their teams reach their full performance potential. As a master coach, Steve is committed to helping his clients maximize not only their contribution, but their personal experience of leadership.


デイブ・シュラーダー PhD


Dave is a seasoned leadership development consultant with more than 25 years of experience supporting mid-level and senior leaders as they increase the quality of their engagement where it counts the most for strategic success.



Head of Global Client Success


Associate Principal

Tyson is a Senior Consultant with experience supporting senior and mid-level leaders as they articulate and implement strategy, develop leadership capability, improve business performance, and build organizational capability and capacity. Tyson is skilled in helping leaders build on their natural strengths, overcome challenges, accelerate their development, and lead through complexity.



Practice Lead, Change and Transformation

Jake works from an uncommon calm amidst the complex and often chaotic environments that are part and parcel of all big organizational change projects.  He leads the company’s Transformational Change Practice, partnering with leaders and the organizations they engage in co-creating successful, sustained futures.  He derives his greatest satisfaction from helping people discover the power and possibilities they hold in crafting ways to achieve their full potential.  He sees the core of his work as unleashing the energy and full commitment of an organization to achieving its preferred future.

Zaher Ibrahim

Middle East & North Africa Regional Partner

Zaher Ibrahim, is a certified Executive Coach and a Leadership Development facilitator with over 15 years of industry experience in Organization Development, Human Resources, Engineering and Marketing, Zaher works with Executives from various career tracks to help them overcome their arising challenges and achieve the desired outcomes they set on the personal and professional fronts. When working on Executive Development, Zaher utilizes an array of globally renowned assessments to highlight key development areas and set plans to address their specific needs.


Gaurav Arora

India Regional Partner

Gaurav has a decade of rich experience in the professional services industry as a Facilitator, Coach, and Speaker, with a strong track record of building high-performing leadership teams. As a facilitator, he has been recognized for creating stimulating and interactive learning environments, encouraging participation and individual creativity. As an Executive Coach, he works to dismantle barriers that come up at the workplace for leaders and help them in fulfilling their intent. A storyteller by heart, he leverages various methodologies and techniques to put his point across and create the breakthrough.

Ontology has influenced his work in a big way and he loves designing and delivering long term interventions using visual facilitation, storytelling, and experiential learning activities. Gaurav’s work is aligned with some of his highest values of authenticity, creativity, collaboration, continuous learning, and innovation.


Johan Van Zijl

South Africa Regional Partner

Johan is a registered Psychologist (HPCSA) and Executive Coach with 35 years of experience in human and organizational potential assessment and development. My areas of competence include organisational development, change management, leadership development, team development, coaching and organisational culture transformation, human potential assessment.

For the past 15 years, his primary focus has been Leadership Development. His passion is to contribute to the growth and evolvement of leaders, teams and organizations to new levels of competence, for them to successfully navigate the complexity of the future. Johan is specifically interested in the development of collective organizational leadership capacity. Collective leader capabilities that not only understand internal organizational issues but also quickly understand and adapt to changing external conditions. To prepare leaders to be ready and able to deal with future challenges.


Sammy Njoroge

LC 東アフリカ代表

Sammy is passionate about developing leaders from the inside out. As a leadership student and researcher, he stumbled into the Leadership Circle Profile online while doing his doctoral dissertation in 2014 and immediately signed up for the certifications in South Africa (2015) and Washington DC (2016).

Sammy is very excited to have pioneered Leadership Circle in East Africa when 17 coaches were certified in 2018. He has co-facilitated certifications in Atlanta and Nairobi and is part of the TLC Global Faculty Team.

Sammy delights in supporting the certified practitioners and evolving the conscious practice of leadership in East Africa.


Vadik Rosenblit

Israel Country Director

Vadik is an experienced executive coach and transformation consultant. He currently holds a role as Israel Country Director at Leadership Circle. Vadik has a special ability in helping people, teams, and organizations to move forward in their journey to evolve and be the best version of themselves. He does it with a combination of quick understanding of the current situation, building deep trust, and, without wasting time, working together to achieve well-defined goals.

Vadik Rosenblit is a licensed Clinical Psychologist, an Executive Coach, a group facilitator, and a senior Organizational Consultant. Vadik holds a BA degree with honor from Tel-Aviv University in Psychology and has also graduated his master’s in Clinical Psychology from Bar-Ilan University with honor. Vadik is a certified coach of Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching and is a certified Leadership Circle coach.


Ghida Barakat

MENA 暫定的リージョナル・ディレクター

Ghida is an experienced certified executive and team coach, facilitator, trainer, and assessor. She works with immense passion and professionalism to support executives and leaders in pursuit of their personal growth, career development and leadership advancement. She has delivered over 850 registered hours of individual and team coaching.

Ghida’s purpose is to evoke transformation in individuals and teams, facilitate growth, and create people leaders at all levels of the organization. She is passionate about leveraging the wisdom, talent, and power of people and teams to manifest potential, optimize performance and create a positive transformation. Her approach involves challenging leaders and organizations beyond the limits they have defined for themselves, to achieve exceptional levels of performance.
